Mind | Star Wars

What if I told you the force was real? That there is real energy that binds us, flows through all living things and holds our universe (galaxy) together?

I always knew, even as a child there was truth to this, I just didn't know how until I learned about Reiki.

My whole life made sense in the moment I received my first Reiki session. The energy and empathic knowing, quantum physics and the God particle ,the force and Star Wars, my love for anything to do with our galaxy, all my crazy thoughts, intuitions and knowings as a child all came together in this moment.
I literally cried. I woke up.

This energy is who we all are.

The Source, an indescribable light force of pure radiant love.

Tap into it and you can recieve, let go, do anything. "Life creates it: makes it grow. It's energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the force around you." Yoda
May the 4th (force) be with you

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Soul | Forgiveness