What is Functional Medicine?

I get asked this question A LOT! What is functional medicine and how is it different then the standardized western medicine model?

Let’s dive into the main attributes of functional medicine!

Let’s start with the Institute of Functional Medicine’s (IFM) definition, “Functional medicine determines how and why illness occurs and restores health by addressing the root causes of disease for each individual”. It is often referred to as “root cause medicine” and is a science-based approach focused on addressing the WHOLE person vs just the symptom(s) they are presenting.

Pretty awesome right?!

How many times have you gone into a doctor’s office with complaints only to be given 4-5 minutes of time with the Dr. then handed a prescription, leaving with more questions than you came in with? I like to call this the “band aid approach” which typically leads to chronic symptoms, as well as frustration. This is typical with the standard acute care model that westernized medicine operates in vs the chronic prevention model that functional medicine takes.

Did you know, that 50% of adults have a chronic health condition (1) and chronic diseases account for 86% of healthcare costs (2)?! This really shows the importance of functional medicine’s personalized preventive care plans.

What does it look like to work with a functional medicine practitioner?

A functional medicine practitioner will look into the lifestyle, environmental, genetic background and utilize standard testing to really paint the whole picture of each individual’s health. A FM practitioner will also take the time to listen to your life history, noting anything that could be a factor in your long-term health. This leads it to be a very personalized patient centered approach to treatment. A FM practitioner will then prescribe preventive treatment measures such as:

  • Nutrition/detox

  • Exercise

  • Mind, body, and stress techniques like reiki, tapping and meditation

  • Supplements

  • Coaching and counseling

  • Environmental Inputs such as air filters in your home

The best part is you also get a practitioner who integrates traditional western medicine when needed to these other alternative approaches, giving you an overall well-rounded treatment.

This is where a functional medicine health coach comes into play in your treatment plan.

I work to assist you in navigating any lifestyle, dietary or environmental changes your FM practitioner has prescribed. The best part of my job is getting to know you and your optimal view of health, allowing me to assist you in finding your own way of implementing these changes. Not only do I work hand in hand with your FM provider, but I also offer resources and encouragement along the way.

Sounds pretty amazing, right?!

If you are interested in learning more about functional medicine and want to find a FM practitioner near you, you can visit www.ifm.com for all the information you need to get you started.

You can also follow some of my favorite FM practitioners such as @drwillcole and @drmarkhyman as well as

I wish you vibrant health and happiness and hope to assist you in your wellness journey.

#healthcoach #functionalmedicine # IFM #nutrition # energywork #mindbodywellness #health #chronicdisease #ilovemyjob


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